Nuclear energy is in the news after the tragedy that struck Japan, where a combination of earthquakes and tsunamis took multiple nuclear reactors offline, damaging several others and leaving a leaking trail of radioactivity. Issues of such magnitude can no longer be cast aside, only referred to once disaster strikes. Is Nuclear energy the only way of fueling our way to the future? Can severe catastrophes be prevented? Can alternative forms of energy be harnessed and orchestrated in such a massive scale, that it can perhaps replace Nuclear energy, or be used alongside with it? These are among the few questions our group sought out to tackle, while asking our readers to open up to varying possibilities regarding energy sources and their alternatives.

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EcoPol Ongoing Mission... The Portland State University EcoPol project looks at the intersection between ecological and economical topics with the goal of changing readers thoughts, behaviors and actions. Four times a year a separate website is developed and launched in support of a particular topic, and the main goal is this - how can we encourage people to take action to make policy change which improves sustainability? The blog below is continuously addressing whichever topic is being developed and is a complimentary companion site to the specific website.
