EcoPol Project From the Seniors at Portland State University


Our ongoing Multimedia Capstone project is called the ‘EcoPolProject.’ The EcoPol Project is a brand, like TIME magazine, or  We examine the merging of information around ecological and economical decisions which must be made to achieve true sustainability. Our challenge this term was to Research nuclear energy and other forms of energy and study the pros and cons of all of them individually, and also combined as a national or global solution. 

This Website was created and developed by the PSU student of Multimedia Cap Stone (UNST 421) spring of 2011. Below is a list of all the group members that worked on this website.

Coordination Group:
Adnan Mansoor

Content Development Group:
Luai Abdallah

Abdullah Alhathloul

Laura Wilcox

Technical Group:
Stephen Becker

Nathan Harp

Ryan Cohen

Melissa Carter

Adam Smith

Sammy Al Bazzaz

Client Liason Group:
John Curran

Kristen Roland

Creative Group:
Janette Boyer

Keegan Matsukado

Rachel Langhans

Cristina Coyne

Erin Bovelle

Lindsey Rieger

Marketing Group: 
Steve Becker

Abdullah Alhoti



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